Autumn in March

A cold wind blowing through last year's leaves,
A cold rain wetting my jacket sleeves.
Spring may be coming, it's hard to believe.
It feels like autumn in March.

I used to go out and strut so grand,
Prancing and dancing to beat the band.
Now see me hobble, a cane in my hand.
This feels like autumn in March.

Gentle spring breeze, birds in the trees,
It seems so long ago.
Heart full of pep, spring in my step,
What was that like? I don't know.

My baby's sleeping, it's been three years.
Just heard her voice now in my ears.
Good thing it's raining, it hides my tears.
It feels like autumn in March,
Sure feels like autumn in March.

Col. George Sicherman [ HOME | MAIL ]