Ring the Changes
In this puzzle, you must ring each piece in turn with the other pieces.
- Download it in Portable Document Format (P.D.F.) here:
[Letter Size]
You will need either a printer or a program
(like Adobe Acrobat Reader)
that can read a P.D.F. file.
- Print it, preferably in color, double-sided on card stock.
If you have no card stock, paper will do.
If you cannot print double-sided, print only the first page.
- Cut out the pieces.
- Surround each piece in turn with the other four pieces.
Leave no space next to the piece, even at corners.
The pieces may not overlap.
You may flip the pieces over.
Good luck!
Ring the Changes
was my entry in the 2024 Nob Yoshigahara
International Puzzle Design competition.
You can sometimes get Ring the Changes
in wood or acrylic from
WoodWonders Online.
Back to The Colonel's Puzzles
Col. George Sicherman