Sylver Coinage


Sylver Coinage is a mathematical game invented by John Horton Conway. Two players take turns choosing numbers, which represent denominations of money. A player may not name a number that can be expressed as a sum (with multiples) of some previously chosen numbers. The player who names 1 loses.
News of Sylver Coinage

Statement of the Progression Hypothesis

Care and Feeding of Enders

A Glossary of Sylver Coinage

Richard K. Guy's Twenty Questions


Refereed Papers



My production software is not yet available. Meanwhile, here is a simple Perl script for computing winning moves in Sylver Coinage positions.

Online Service

Sigurd Kittilsen told me about this online Sylver Coinage tool. It was programmed by Roger Antonsen.
Col. George Sicherman [ HOME | MAIL ]