Guide to Beyond Oasis

Beyond Oasis (Légende de Thor). Last revised 1998-06-28.

  • Maps
  • Gems
  • Secret Places
  • Invisible Warp Cracks
  • Summoning
  • Where's the Walkthrough?
  • Supplement to the Walkthrough
  • Nosferatu provided many of the secrets in this guide.


    [ Oasis | Water Shrine and Waterfall Shrine | Eastern Campsite and Beach Cave of Mt. Ptah | Mountainside Fortress | Forest Shrine ]


                                 |                [B] Beach Cave of Mt. Ptah
                     [V]   O<----O warp           [C] Campsite
                     | |   |     |                [D] Water Shrine
                     |  \ /      |                [E] Waterfall Shrine
              O------O   O  O----O                [F] Forest Shrine
         warp to *   |      |                     [G] Secret Crags
                     |      |                     [K] King's Castle
              ...---[G]     |     [B]             [M] Mountainside Fortress
                            /     | |             [N] Non-entity's Cave
                  [N]    [M]     /   \            [P] Secret Pit
                   |     |||    |     O beach     [R] Secret Racetrack
                   O---->O O----O     ^           [S] Ship
                   |            |      :          [V] Volcanic Crater
                   |            |      [S]        [W] Wall Fortress
    [F]            O            v        :        [X] Secret Waterfall
     |            /            [X]        :
     | /--\       |             |          [C]
     O=    =O<----O          [E]|           | [R]
     | \->/ |      \          | v           |/
    [P]     |  [K]  |         |water-   [D] O
        *   |  ^|   |      /--O fall     | /
       O----O---O---O----O=         /--\ |/
     beach     ||          \--O---O=    =O
               \|             |     \<-/
                O             |
             harbor           O beach

    Water Shrine and Waterfall Shrine

       WATER SHRINE                          WATERFALL SHRINE
            O Water Spirit                           O Fire Spirit
            |                                        |
            O                                        O
            |                                        |
            O Boss                                   O Boss
            |                                        |
            O                                        O Blue Gem
            w                                        |
            O                                        O  
          O | O                                      | O
           \w/                                       |/
            O Black Gem                              O
            |                                        |
            O                                        O Blue Gem
            w                                        |
            O                                        O
            r                                        |
         Entrance                                 Entrance

    Eastern Campsite and Beach Cave of Mt. Ptah

            O---O---ship                       Boss O Necklace
            |   Boss                                |
            |                                       |    Blue Gem
            O Red Gem                    Atm Bow O  O  O Red Gem
            |                                     \ | / \
            |   Blue Gem                           \rv  b
            O  O Red Gem                            O   O
            | / Black Gem                           |   |
            g#   Green Gem                          w   w
            O                                   O---O-:-O
            |                                   |       |
            w                                   |       g     Blue Gem
            O                                   O       O   O Red Gem
            |                                   |       |   |
         entrance                               g       |   |

    Mountainside Fortress

                  .---.   .----.    * Blue Gem
        Blue Gem  |   y   |    g
       Red Gem O  O   O   O-.  O   .--O--.  O
               |  |   |   | |   \  | O   | /  exit
               b  |   b   | | O* \ | / /)yy(-.  |
               O  O    -O-  |y    w|g O  O   O  |
               |  |         O      O  | /     \-
               |  |               ' ` r/        
                -- ------------------>O--- entrance

    Forest Shrine

                               / . \
                       Red O  / .   \ 
                        Gem| | .  O+ |            * Boss
                           | b .  |  |
                           O O:O= O  O:O          + Plant Spirit
                            \\ |  |  | |
                             \|v  O* w/           = Black Gem
                              CD  |  O-->O Black
                              ||  r  |   | Gem
                              wv  O  b   w
                            O--O  r  O---O
                               |  O  |
                               g  r  w
                               O  O  O
                                \ | /


    [ blue | red | black | green ]

    Blue Gems

    1. Under bridge near Village.
    2. In Waterfall Shrine.
    3. In Waterfall Shrine.
    4. In Eastern Campsite.
    5. In Beach Cave (3 switches).
    6. In Beach Cave (behind blue door).
    7. In Mountain Fortress (behind wooden door in snake room).
    8. In Mountain Fortress (behind 2nd blue door).
    9. On cliff, mountain screen E. of pond screen.
    10. In Secret Waterfall.
    11. Behind grate in Eastern Campsite.
    12. In blob room in Non-entity's Cave.
    13. In rolling trap room on Mt. Allat.
    14. On level 60 of Secret Pit.
    15. On last Secret Island.

    Red Gems

    1. Under bridge near Waterfall.
    2. Second prize at Racetrack.
    3. In Eastern Campsite.
    4. In Beach Cave (3 switches).
    5. In Beach Cave (behind blue door).
    6. In Beach Cave (behind red door).
    7. In Mountain Fortress (behind 2nd blue door).
    8. On ledge, S. of Wall Fortress.
    9. In Volcano (teleport).
    10. In hidden room behind N. room with blue key in Forest Shrine (bomb).
    11. Behind grate in Eastern Campsite.
    12. In worms room in Non-entity's Cave.
    13. In turret gun park on Mt. Allat.
    14. On level 70 of Secret Pit.
    15. On last Secret Island.

    Black Gems

    1. On bluff W. of Volcano.
    2. On beach W. of Dark Forest.
    3. In Water Shrine, room 3.
    4. On cliff in W. Dark Forest.
    5. In E. room of Forest Shrine.
    6. On ledge in rolling rock room of Forest Shrine.
    7. In zombie room of Castle dungeon.
    8. In middle of Desert N. of Castle.
    9. On ledge near entrance to Beach Cave.
    10. Behind grate in Eastern Campsite.
    11. In platform room in Non-entity's Cave.
    12. On cliff east of Castle (use warp crack near brook).
    13. In 4 bombers room on Mt. Allat.
    14. On level 80 of Secret Pit.
    15. On last of Secret Crags.

    Green Gems

    1. On ledge in Castle.
    2. In worm room of Castle dungeon.
    3. In plops room of Castle dungeon.
    4. In bat & snake room of Castle dungeon.
    5. On beach S. of Village.
    6. On ledge in E. Dark Forest.
    7. In S.E. part of Desert N. of Castle.
    8. On ledge W. of Mountainside Fortress (from Desert).
    9. In Secret Waterfall.
    10. Behind grate in Eastern Campsite.
    11. In room with grate in Non-entity's Cave.
    12. In 3 ogres room in Non-entity's Cave.
    13. In 4 bombers room on Mt. Allat.
    14. In wind room with gun towers and archers on Mt. Allat (kill all).
    15. On level 90 of Secret Pit.

    Secret Places

    Invisible Warp Cracks

    Use Shade's Doppelganger to locate these.


    You can summon Dytto from a colored plop creature.
    You can summon Efreet from an exploding bomb or arrow.
    You can summon Shade from a mailed knight or your Teacher.
    You can summon Bow from a head of lettuce.
    You can summon any spirit from its gem.

    Summon by casting a Spirit Ball at a Spirit Call and get a bonus:
    Dytto CallRoast Beast.
    Efreet CallOmega Sword (20).
    Shade CallHeart.
    Bow CallElixir.

    Where's a walkthrough?

    GameFAQs has several walkthroughs here.



    Power Bomb
    Hyper Bomb

    Infinite Weapons

    Infinite Fire Bow (Secret Racetrack)
    Infinite Steel Bow (Secret Waterfall)
    Infinite Atomic Bow (Secret Islands)
    Infinite Omega Sword (Secret Pit)
    Infinite Hyper Bomb (Secret Crags)

    Return from the Mountain

    In Building 2 on Mount Allat, kill everybody in the wind room that has the Red Door leading to Silver Armlet. A teleporter will appear below the ledge you dropped over two screens back, so you can leave Mount Allat.
    Col. George Sicherman [ HOME | MAIL ]