Tiling Diamond Prism Polycubes with Two Pentacubes

A pentacube is a solid made of 5 equal cubes joined face to face.

The blue pentacubes have distinct mirror images. The symbols in green are Kate Jones's names for the pentacubes. The symbols in red are Donald Knuth's names for the pentacubes.

A diamond polyomino is a polyomino in the form of an oblique square with four zigzag edges. A diamond prism polycube is a polycube prism whose base is a diamond polyomino.

Here I show the smallest known diamond prism polycubes that can be tiled with copies of of two different pentacubes, using at least one of each. A prime mark () after a letter denotes a mirror image. For example, S′ is the mirror image of S. To see a tiling, click on the corresponding entry in the table below. Missing entries indicate unsolved cases.

If you find a smaller solution, or solve an unsolved case, please write.

See also Tiling Triangular Prism Polycubes with Two Pentacubes and Tiling Pyramid Prism Polycubes with Two Pentacubes.

A 441010107410410101010101010410103410
B  3103107615613101010101354410365
E   410310101074420610101010102515341510364
F    20341315342010617173434341710201752029
G      2534261532020202020303010320102034
H        341315153420343434343434343430101534102034
I       13652513513252567131361313
J           1515152015151515151515315151520415
K         2034345130346820
L          202020202020204201720420
M           34153413
N            343434303020174120
P             34343420151517151720
Q              343420102034102034
R                   3451103034102034
S                     5130203420
T                 20515175
U                  4103451
V                   2030451
W                    51317
X                     68
Y                      20

Last revised 2024-02-08.

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