Tiling a Blunt Pyramid with Two Polyominoes


The May 2006 issue of Erich Friedman's Math Magic presented tilings of triangular, pyramidal, and diamondic polyominoes. The term pyramid normally defines a shape in solid geometry. Here it is used to distinguish a triangular polyomino with two oblique sides from one with only one. Here are examples of these shapes:

Below I show minimal known pyramids with two cells at the apex that can be tiled by two given polyominoes. Unlike such shapes as those shown above, blunt pyramids have balanced cell parity. They can be tiled by some pairs of polyominoes with balanced cell parity.

Any pair of polyominoes that can tile a triangular polyomino, such as the red polyomino above, can tile a blunt pyramidal polyomino.

Shown below each tiling are its height and area.

I omit pairs in which one polyomino is the monomino.


3 @ @
4 @ @ @
5 @ @ @ @
6 @ @ @ @ @
7 @ @ @ @ @ @

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Tetromino and Heptomino

Pentomino and Heptomino

Hexomino and Heptomino

Heptomino and Heptomino

Last revised 2023-10-15.

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