The Colonel's Twice As Nice Puzzle
It's two puzzles in one!
Download it in P.D.F. form here: [ Letter Size |
A4 ].
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader or some other program
that can read a P.D.F. file.
Print it double-sided with a color printer on
card stock (if you have none, paper will do),
cut out the pieces on the front,
then follow the directions.
Good luck!
A sturdy acrylic version of Twice as Nice
can be bought from Wood Wonders.
{ Solution }
For a harder challenge, try Thrice
As Nice.
Fabián Turino
has told me that the four pieces can also form a parallelogram.
So, in a sense, Twice As Nice is thrice as nice!
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Col. George Sicherman