Uncle Colonel's Cursory Rhymes

Long ago I wrote a few verses in the style of Mother Goose, set in the programming environment of a forgotten era. I still remember these two.

The Magtape Song

Nine-track tapes and seven-track tapes
  And tapes without any tracks,
Stretchy tapes and snarly tapes
  And tapes mixed up on the racks:
Take hold of the tape
  And pull off the strip,
And then you'll be sure
  Your tape drive will skip.

Punch Card Hill

As I was going up Punch Card Hill,
  Feeling worse and worser,
There I met a C.R.T.,
  And it dropped me a cursor.
C.R.T., C.R.T.,
  Text lights up on you!
If I had fifty hours a day,
  I'd spend them all on you.
Col. George Sicherman [ HOME | MAIL ]