The SNAKE 'N' SHAKE Commercial

He: Hey! Wanna play Insults?

She: O.K. You're stupid!

He: You're stupid too!

She: You're repulsive!

He: You're irritating!

She: You're an oaf!

He: You're a slob!

She: You're a bull in a china shop!

He: You're a canary in a coal mine!

She: You've got a pig nose!

He: You've got a chicken butt!

She: You've got dog breath!

He: You've got snake ears!

She: Hey, all these insults are making me hungry! Wanna go to Snake 'n' Shake?

He: No way!

She: Huh? Why not?

He: The last time I went to Snake 'n' Shake, I got a Snake Sandwich, and it bit me!

She: Oh, no!

He: But that wasn't the worst. When I complained to them, all they did was change their slogan.

She: O.K., what did they change it to?

He: It's, If it doesn't give Snake 'n' Shake a fair shake, it's FAKE!

She: You know, that's a pretty good slogan!

He: Yeah, it is. Let's go there right now!

Announcer: Remember, folks, if it doesn't give Snake 'n' Shake a fair shake, it's FAKE!

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