Col. Sicherman's Home Page

Climb a tower of freedom,
  Paint your own deceiving sign.
—Ian Anderson, Nothing To Say


Downloadable Games

  • Street Fighter II Rummy. A printable card game for two to four players. Anyone who opposes me will be destroyed!
  • I Stepped on the Cat! Another printable card game for two to four players. Nyaa!
  • Moon and Sixpence. A printable card game with pennies, for two to four players. Jolly, jolly sixpence!
  • Downloadable Supplies

  • Duplicate Bridge Forms for Howell movements, and descriptions of some unusual Mitchell and individual movements.
  • Goal Cards for the card game of Was Sticht?, in case you would rather not carry those little tiles around. (In PDF.) (In English.)
  • Score Sheets for the Parker Brothers card game of Split. (In PDF.)
  • Score Sheets for the game of 7 Wonders. (In PDF.)
  • About Games

  • The Colonel's Chess Page.
  • The Shortest Possible Game of Shogi.
  • The Highest-Scoring Play in Quadrigon.
  • The Rogue's Vade-Mecum.
  • Crude ASCII Maps and other Video Game Information.
  • Mathematics and Science

  • Polyform Curiosities. Explorations of polyominoes, polyiamonds, polyhexes, and other staples of combinatorial geometry.
  • The Sylver Coinage Page.
  • Sicherman Dice, a curiosity of recreational mathematics.
  • H. E. Licks's Diaphote Hoax. The original article that “invented” television in 1880!
  • The Tonal System of Weights and Measures.
  • How To Clear Memory on a Wang 720.
  • Soddy Nests.
  • Huddy's Doodle. I first saw this in the 1950s in Beeler & Branley's Experiments in Optical Illusion (thanks to David Singmaster for confirming the source). Does anybody know who Huddy was? Here's a wallpaper version in yellow on green.
  • Contents of Cubism For Fun, Issues 111 and Later
  • Links

  • Why use trigonometry when algebra will do? See Exact Trigonometric Function Values.
  • Did Lessing misread the Cattle Problem of Archimedes? Find out about it at Keith Calkins's Cattle Problem Page.
  • Arts and Letters

  • The Colonel's Music. Sheet music, lyrics, and audio, original and traditional.
  • The Colonel's Photographs.
  • ScriptPosters—posters in PostScript for home or office use.
  • Symmetrical American Flag. Innovative patriotic display!
  • Frequently Annoying Questions lists, and other irresponsible contributions.
  • Miscellaneous Writings. Poems, parodies, hoaxes, and insomnia bovis.
  • Silence—a Fable by Edgar Allan Poe
  • Four Rootabaga Stories by Carl Sandburg
  • The Treasurer's Report by Robert Benchley
  • Other Things

  • Unix-Style Software (including games)
  • PostScript Encodings:
  • Table of PostScript Fonts in Groff (in PDF)
  • The RADIO Program at Harvard
  • Consumer Recommendations for products and services.
  • Printable Check Register for a standard U.S. personal checkbook (in PDF)
  • Stations on the New York and Long Branch R.R.
  • NFT Bus Routes in Buffalo
  • The Colonel's Television Rating System
  • The Colonel's Rules for Underlining in Print
  • The Colonel's Rules for Adult Children of Abusive Parents
  • My contributions to the Risks Digest
  • Recipes. Cornmeal brownies, rubber boot, dutlaks with shneeza.
  • Solutions to the Anagrams in Doom Patrol 32
  • The Sleaze Castle Cipher
  • A 1930 report on Herbert Hoover
  • Traditional Gifts for Wedding Anniversaries
  • The Ultimate Expensive Watch
  • Outside Links. Telecommunications, literature, music, the Net, ...
  • Other Sichermans

    This is also a good place to reach the other members of my family:

    Extended family:

    Not members of my family:

    Former Sichermans:


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    George Sicherman
    Red Bank, New Jersey, U.S.

    Site created at Monmouth Internet 1997-06-19.
    Site relocated to at IONOS 2023-01-22.